Main page > Homel region > Lelchitsy

Lelchitsy was known from the XVI century as a small town in the Mozyr district of Kiev (since 1569 — Minsk) province, in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

During the World War II fascists killed 2148 citizens of the district, burned the town and all villages in the district.

The Svyato-Troitskaya church in the village of Pribolovichi, Lelchitsy district, belongs to Belarus architectural treasures; its history begins in remote ages. "Tsar-oak", old 450 years, grows in Lelchitsy district. It is protected by law. The diameter of its stem is 160 cm, it is high 19 m.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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