Main page > Minsk region > Logoisk

Logoysk (in chronicles referred as Logozhsk, Logozhesk) is first mentioned in "Sermon" by Vladimir Monomah: "Burned and fought from Lukoml to Logozhsk, attacked Drutsk". It was a fortress during the last quarter of XI century. Logoysk passed to Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 1st quarter of XIV century.

Since 1528 till October revolution Logoysk was owned by the Tyshke-vichys. During this period 14 generations have changed. The most eminent members of Tyshkevichy family are brothers Konstantin and Evstafiy Tyshkevich. In 1842 they founded first Belarusian museum in their magnificent palace. On 17th of June, 1924 Logoysk became a center of Logoysk district. Its population is about 10 thousand (1st of January, 2003).

Nowadays Logoysk is a beautiful modern town. Tyshkevichys' park (1st half of XIX century) is a landscape architectural memorial. Nikolayevskaya Church (1824) is of architectural interest.

There is a mountain-skier resort of the same name 3 km away from Logoysk. Khatyn' memorial (1969) is situated several kilometers away from Logoysk on the right side of the Minsk—Vitebsk highway. The memorial is dedicated to the village of Khatyn and other 186 villages burned by Nazi with their inhabitants during 1941—1944. On 17th of June, 1924 Logoysk became a center of Logoysk district. Its population is 5 thousand (1979).

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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