Main page > Minsk region > Lyuban

Luban is first mentioned in written sources in XVI century. Slutsk Principality inventory describes Luban' as a borough of Eremitsk district with 35 houses and 225 inhabitants-bourgeois. In 1661 Boguslav Radzivill ordered all bourgeois to pay a due and accomplish a number of obligatory terms. Bourgeois headed by burgomaster on the grounds of Magdeburg rights enjoyed self-government and the right to appeal to Slutsk principality seniorman. In 1682 the due was increased.

Luban became a town on the 7th of March, 1968. In 1970 its population was about 7 thousand. The town is a center of Luban district. Industries include starch production, bread-baking plant, flax-scutching mill, cheese-making plant, fish processing factory "Luban", manufacture of clothes. Neolithic and Early Bronze Age settlements near the village of Azloml, discovered and explored by Krivaltse-vich in 1985, are of historical value.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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