Main page > Minsk region > Marina Gorka

The town's name refers to a hill, where, according to a legend, was heathen temple and on Mary'ya's Day were held pagan celebrations; lats a church was built on this site. The town is mentioned in written source since XV century. The construction of Libavo-Romenskaya railroad contributed to Mar'yina Gorka's development. There an agricultural school was founded in 1876, which was later transformed into agricultural college.

Since 1924 Mar'yina Gorka is a center of Pukhovichy district; on the 27th of September, 1938 Mar'yina Gorka became an urban village, on the 22nd of July, 1955 — a town.

Industries include dairy factory, flax-scutching mill, research and experimental factory, food and bread-baking industrial complex. Country estate (XIX century) is one of the towns sights.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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