Main page > Mogilev region > Osipovichi

Osipovichi is known from the XVIII century as a village. According to the census as of the year 1897, three independent settlements under the denomination Osipovichi existed at the place of the present-time town: a village, a railway station and a small town, which later merged into one populated area.

In the year 1926, the Osipovichi district was abolished and its territory was included into the Bobruisk district. In the year 1965 the Osipovichi Region was restored. Today 16 enterprises form the basis of the regional industry. The most prominent ones are the following: an auto units factories, "Krovlya" Joint Venture Open Joint-Stock Company, "Glass Factory "Elisovo" Open Joint-Stock Company, a bread products combine, "Osipovichi Factory "Kommash" Joint Stock Enterprise.

Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]

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