In 1896 a railway station "Starye Dorogy" of Libavo-Romenskaya railroad was built 2 kilometers west from the town. Around this station a settlement developed, later it became a part of the town of Starye Dorogy. On the 17th of July, 1924, the town became a center of Starye Dorogy district.
Nowadays Starye Dorogy is a beautiful modern town, its population is about 12 thousand. Industries include butter-dairy, bread-baking plant, mechanical plant, clothes factory. St. Nikolay Orthodox Church is active. Some architectural sights have remained in the district: post station (he 2nd half of XIX century, the village of Paskovy Gorky), wooden Orthodox Church (the middle of XIX century, the village of Yazyl).
Guide to towns and district centers of Republic of Belarus. A.V. Varivonchik [etc.]